Friday, 10 June 2011


As human beings, we meet temptations every second of our lives. How do you overcome those times?

There are two things involved here, you either learn to rise up, stand strong and firm or you stay down there but the latter is not advisable because it will not add up to your life. You will always be at the same level of your Christian life and your social life too
When you fall you must try and TAKE A DECISION TO RISE UP. The decision to rise up alone can go a long way to build you up. Donnie McClurkin wrote this song..."we fall down but we get up, for a saint is just a sinner who fell down and got up."

Sometimes the feeling of having given in to sin takes you so far away from God and you feel God is nowhere close to you(forgetting that you moved lol). Sometimes you even feel like doing nothing in church or even taking part in church activities. You sometimes feel like even staying away from your good pals too but remember, these days are the days you need to stand firm and try getting closer to GOD in His presence because but these feelings are ways the devil uses to keep us away from God. The feeling of staying away from some people in your life I beleive is a medium the evil one uses to break down your relationship with the unique people in your life.

Do not give the devil the chance to operate in your life (your relationship with God an others in your life). The devil can only come in only when you give him the chance and when he steps in he will surely work at destroying one of you ( in terms of a relationship with a fellow man)…usually the other party who feels being avoided and you (when its your relationship with God).

JUST GET THIS RIGHT. He will make you feel so out of yourself and not to do anything to help maintain/build up the relationship… (you feel that same with your relationship with God right?). You’ll give in to anything that happens and you’ll often be ignorant at a whole lot of things happening in and around your. Not truly loving and wishing you have you own way alone. Do not forget, GOD SAID IN ISAIAH 1:18… COME LET US REASON TOGETHER, THOUGH YOUR SINS ARE RED AS SCARLET, THEY WILL BE WHITE AS SNOW, THOUGH YOUR SINS ARE RED AS CRIMSON, THEY WILL BE WHITE AS WOOL.

Unless you don’t want to do anything to build and maintain your relationship with God/your fellow man (or the one you are dating or hope to marry in future). I believe you can give the chance for your love to be rekindled and grow…yes grow, love grows and if you want it to grow, you will work at getting it built up or growing it.

Sin has the tendency to break you down but it will have that effect on you only when you allow yourself or you give it the chance to.

A good friend told me this “sometimes I just wonder  ... how foolish I am in order to fall into temptation rather than choose God instead” but we have to bear in mind that, we are human beings struggling for perfection...notwithstanding that we have to learn not to give in. It’s difficult but we can take it one day at a time

Friend: “i hope that all of us will heed the call to be living saints of today, I guess that the greatest challenge one will need to face since the end brings lots of reward.”

That is very true but we alll mess up in one way or the other but God says He's given us the grace. God is only working through and with us.

We are just his instruments of his mission.

Hope you have taken a cue from this. God bless you for reading.

Watch out for the next edition.

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