There is this interesting story of a man and his wife who had some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. It so happens that the man needed to be awakened early one morning to catch a business flight, but he didn’t want to be the first to break the silence...(surely because of pride), so he left a note on his wife’s side of the bed reading “Please wake me at 5am.”

Dear reader, it doesn’t take much to make us angry and create emotional distance from each other. But it does take great, courageous effort to fight through the silence to a place of true forgiveness and oneness. Isolation seems to offer us protection, a certain kind of self-preservation. There is a type of peace found in avoidance that appears much more appealing than the pain of dealing with reality. We sometimes end up hurting ourselves and even draw negative conclusions based on what we see and hear.

When you find yourself tempted to square off against each other, retreating to your corners and refusing to give in, remember that Jesus could have given us the cold shoulder. He could have taken one look at our many, many sins and shortcomings and never sought to draw us out. May His reaching, redemptive love be our model and motivator. We serve a God who both seeks and speaks. To be a true friend, brother, sister, spouse or colleague be sure to do the same. Do enjoy the security blanket,open up.
Silence is golden but it’s a destructive tool the devil is using lately.
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That's an interesting piece. i hope it never happens to us. luv u loads!!!